CDK Global got hacked

The company, which provides software to car dealerships got hacked. CDK Global provides data and technology to different automotive dealerships.…

Apple is ready for government — and your business

As governments everywhere continue to deal with the economically damaging fallout of last week’s appalling Crowdstrike/Microsoft disaster, it’s no surprise to see more governments switching to Apple’s most stable platform. To put things into context, Parametrix Insurance has analyzed the consequences of last week’s global blue screen of death incident and assesses the economic cost…

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Japanese love in Tokyo with Sabrina

Sabrina Kyle was blessed with incredible beauty, a sharp mind, and impressive culinary skills. A young girl, full of life and vigour, she lived in the bustling city of San Francisco. Her dainty hands created masterpieces in the kitchen, enough to make anyone fall in love – not just with the food but with…

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