15 surprising ways to make your home more eco-friendly


From turning your thermostat down to using your slow cooker more, making your home more eco-friendly doesn’t have to be a hassle. Here are 15 surprisingly easy ways you can make your home more environmentally friendly and save money at the same time!

1. Let the Sunshine In

During the daytime, open up your curtains and blinds to let natural light into your home. Not only will you save on energy costs, but you’ll also get a healthy dose of vitamin D.

2. Swap Out Your Light Bulbs

Replace your traditional light bulbs with LED bulbs. They may cost a bit more upfront, but they last much longer and use far less energy.

3. Unplug Appliances When You’re Not Using Them

Get into the habit of unplugging appliances, like your coffee maker and toaster, when you’re not using them. Even if they’re turned off, they’re still draining energy.

4. Use a Slow Cooker

Cooking with a slow cooker uses less energy than cooking on the stovetop or in the oven. Plus, it’s a great way to make hearty and healthy meals.

5. Take Shorter Showers

Shorten your shower by a couple of minutes to save water and energy. You can also install a low-flow showerhead to further reduce your impact.

6. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

Most of your clothes can be washed in cold water, which saves energy and is better for the environment.

7. Hang Dry Your Clothes

Whenever possible, hang dry your clothes instead of using the dryer. You can even invest in a clothesline or drying rack to make the process easier.

8. Invest in a Reusable Water Bottle

Carrying a reusable water bottle with you will help you to avoid buying single-use plastic water bottles. Plus, you’ll save money in the long run.

9. Bring Your Own Grocery Bag

Say no to plastic bags and invest in a sturdy reusable bag to bring with you when you go grocery shopping.

10. Skip the Disposable straw

If you’re someone who uses straws, consider investing in a reusable metal or glass straw. Or, simply drink from a cup!

11. Make Your Own Cleaning Products

You can save money and reduce your impact on the environment by making your own cleaning products. There are plenty of recipes online for DIY all-purpose cleaners and more.

12. compost

Composting your food scraps is a great way to reduce your impact on the environment. Plus, you can use the compost in your garden to nourish your plants.

13. Shop Secondhand

When you need something new, consider shopping at a thrift store or other secondhand shop. You’ll save money and keep usable items out of landfills.

14. Walk or Ride Your Bike

Whenever possible, walk or ride your bike instead of driving. It’s better for the environment and good for your health!

15. Recycle

Of course, one of the best ways to be more eco-friendly is to recycle. If your municipality doesn’t have a curbside recycling program, see if there’s a drop-off center near you.

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